Divine Healing -Master Key For Ascension -New Service Offering


A Channelled Method of Healing

The Spiritual Law 

“ask, and you shall receive”. 

The current reality Matrix in which we find ourselves contains strong dissonant vibrations that express through intense life experiences and can deliver a lot of emotional blows, shock and trauma to our energy bodies.

Divine Healing supports you with a smooth, accessible, highly effective, intuitively channelled method to embrace your life, heal, and reach your full potential. 

It enables the quick, effective identification, validating and clearing of core patterns, freeing your life force energy and restoring vibrational health, connection to self and well-being. To restore our spiritual body; we must address our emotional body; our energy body; our physical body; and our mental body; to become whole.

“As within so without; As Above So Below”.

It is all connected.

 Healing Yourself into Alignment

Divine Healing is a process designed to rapidly transform any issues that keep you from moving forward into alignment with who you are and your life’s purpose. 

This system enables the quick & effective identification and clearing of core wounds and patterns. It frees up your Life-force energy to promote better health, connection to the flow of Life, and enhanced well-being on every experience level.

Divine Healing accesses and clears;

  • Your Soul Records & Soul Programs

  • Inherited Patterning 

  • Unresolved Past-Life Issues

  • Hidden Ego-Agendas, Sabotages & Conflicts

  • Blocked Energy in the Subtle Bodies & Chakras

  • Fear Programs

  • Interference Energies, Including Entities

  • Physical, Mental & Emotional Imbalances

  • Blocked Energy in Organs & Glands

  • Genetically Encoded Imprints

  • Judgements & Negative Beliefs

  • Shock & Trauma

Divine Healing can also promote;

  • Regeneration & Rejuvenation of your Cells

  • Enhancement of Brain Functions/Integration

  • Stabilisation of Hydration/Dehydration in the Body

  • Encoding of Healing Essences, Colours & Crystals

  • Balancing your Bodies Nutrition & Biochemistry

  • Harmonising & Alignment of your Energy Bodies & Chakras

  • Balancing the Five Elements

  • Improving your Eyesight

  • Healing & clearing of programs contributing to weight gain

As a 'Divine Healing Master Key Practitioner.

I use a Language Combination of ... divination tools, channelling and intuitive guidance to bring the most unconscious issues into the light so that they may be rapidly cleared; working with Invocations, Energetic Transmissions, Detailed Charts & Command Codes - allows quick and accurate access to the appropriate information from your Higher-Self to clear, realign & balance energy within your Physical Body & Subtle Bodies enhancing profound energetic shifts. Raising Consciousness and Awareness leads to transformations on all levels of Being.

Divine Healing is the Trifecta - Aligning the Body, Mind and Soul.

Let's peel away the layers of unhelpful patterns that hold you back from awakening to your true nature. Old habits, beliefs no longer serving you, and subconscious ego programming.

  • Old traumas, family conditioning, and ancestral patterning.

  • Mental, emotional, and physical imbalances.

  • Interference energies, including negative entities.

These gently guided sessions get to the core of your most pressing issues. 

By applying this cutting-edge technology based on the universal premise ‘ask and you shall receive’, we harness your willingness to bring consciousness to hidden patterns and desire to become more complete, whole and at ease. 

Divine Healing Master Key For Ascension

Each session unfolds around your intentions and needs.

This healing system is multidimensional, meaning all parts of you that hold a particular energy can be cleared.

All Sessions are 1.5 hrs to 2hrs offered via Zoom.

A Soul's journey is to heal and become empowered.

These healing sessions are energetically powerful! You will feel your energy body shift as the Angels and Holy Spirit’s energy streams throughout the sessions.

Peace and Love


Divine Healing has been developed and channelled by Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire, Shekiera Shaozen and Mary Liomariss de Tute. I travelled to London, UK, to formally train & qualify.


Pluto The Great Transformer.


Beliefs; Depression; & Perceived Madness.